Simplex Basket Strainers
Ulbrec simplex basket strainers can be manufactured in aluminium, bronze, stainless steel or cast iron in threaded or flanged style. and are designed for maximum flow rate and minimum pressure drop. With the Ulbrec simplex strainer design, baskets can be removed for cleaning only when the process is shut down and thus are used for “batch” applications or processes which can be interrupted for basket cleaning. Usually, shut-down time is minimal due to the quick-opening basket chamber cover closures. Once the basket has been cleaned of particulate, it is placed back in the strainer and the application process may continue. Its common practice to use a spare basket to quickly replace the dirty basket and then the dirty basket can be cleaned and set aside for the next cleaning cycle.
Ulbrec simplex basket strainers are used in every industry employing pipelines for gases and liquids where accessing strainers for inspection and cleaning without interrupting fluid flow can provide an advantage.The most common application areas for Ulbrec basket strainers are in the chemical, food, beverages, petrochemical, process and mining industries providing high volume contaminant collection in either suction or pressure applications.