Duplex Basket Strainers
Ulbrec duplex basket strainers can be manufactured in aluminium, bronze, stainless steel or cast iron in threaded or flanged style and are designed for maximum flow rate and minimum pressure drop. The Ulbrec strainer design allows for the efficient collection of foreign matter as well as easy removal for cleaning without the use of tools. Ulbrec duplex basket strainers provide changeover from dirty strainer to clean strainer without interrupting the fluid flow and with safe access for basket removal and cleaning. Proven, high integrity, single handle operated Series HP(D) and GT(D) can be applied with in-line and offset connections, providing maximum efficiency in operation and maintenance. Multi-valve duplex (MVD) strainer configurations are suited to larger pipeline applications and where operating protocols are be implemented to assure safe isolation of the strainer to be accessed.
Ulbrec duplex strainers are used in every industry employing pipelines for gases and liquids where accessing strainers for inspection and cleaning without interrupting fluid flow can provide an advantage. The most common application areas for Ulbrec basket strainers are in the chemical, food, beverages, petrochemical, process and mining industries providing high volume contaminant collection in either suction or pressure applications.